Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Tree Ornaments
Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. I have not been making many dolls, but I have been busy with other projects. A few of them are on display at my local quilt shop and I did'nt take pictures before I brought them over there. I just got my camera back from the shop. It's been out of commission for a some time. But I wanted to post a few pictures of the Angel ornaments I've been working on. I used the free pin doll pattern from Doll Street and some leftover fabric from my stump doll. I just added some wing charms I found and a little ring on the back to hang her with. Now I just need to finish the rest and get them in the mail.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Stump Doll
Before I left to go to Alabama last month I recieved my copy of Ray Slater's book, Clothdolls for Textile Artists. I read it while I was there and made a doll as soon as I got home. The book is wonderful, full of fantastic ideas, techniques and patterns. This doll is made by creating a layered fabric and embellishing it with free motion embroidery and much more. The instructions were easy to follow. There is also a pattern and instuction for a wrapped doll. Great book!
Travel Doll Swap
I spent the month of September in Alabama. I went down to help my daugher and son-in-law. They opened a Texas Roadhouse restaurant and they needed gramma to help with the kids. My pleasure!! While I was there I recieved my last doll of the Swap. It is a very sweet little girl named Minuette. She was made my Bonnie Lee Fontaine, one of the many talented ladies I had the pleasure of getting to know this summer. My granddaughter Maggie loved her. Here is a picture of the two of them!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Blue Mermaid
Meet my Merissa. I finished her today. She is the second mermaid using the pattern from Angela Jarecki's class. I made the body with a blue batik and the finger were very difficult to turn. If you have a secret for turning little batik fingers, please share! I struggle with color and a changed her top a few times. I finally decided on the darker colors. I think she might need wings!?! What do you think? This doll was lots of fun. Coloring a blue face was a challenge, but I was satisfied with the way she turned out.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Grandchildren's visit
I have had a very busy two weeks. My daughter had foot surgery, so I had her and her three girls stay here until she could get around. The girls were a great help with Bonnie, my travel swap doll. We took her to the park and for ice cream! We took two of the girls for haircuts. I posted a few pics. Her hubby came and picked her up on Sunday evening. I was fun to have them visit because I don't get to see them all the time. My blue mermaid is back in process, she has hair, a tail and a fin! She'll be done this weekend, I hope!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Blue Mermaid
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Enkai Nou
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Captain Jack and his wench are finally done. They were a lot of work, but so much fun. They are about sixteen inches tall and partially wired. The body patterns are by Mary Tressler. Their clothing and accessories are recycled items, used clothing and junk jewelry. The swords are letter openers I purchased on Ebay. I've taken picture and I will summit them for entry into the exhibit tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
This is my first doll I've made with a Patti Culea pattern. It was in her newest book, Beading the Cloth Doll. It definitely was a challenge for me. I can't tell you how many heads I made!! But I learned sooooo much in the process. I used many different techniques on the doll and the fabric for her clothing that were new to me. It was Patti's books that inspired me to get back into dollmaking. Thanks, Patti!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I worked on my collage this morning. This is the first time I worked with pastels to shade the face and I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing! It seems a little flat to me. Guess I look at it for awhile to see if I can determine what it needs. I'm thinking some more green color. Stencil it on maybe!?! But, it's done for today!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
This was originally suppose to be a primitive mermaid from Frowning Francis. I got a little ahead of myself and couldn't undo what I had done so I had to improvise. I used Mod Podge and covered her body with scrapbook paper. I did some rubber stamping and some outlining with a gold leaf pen. I painted her torso and face with a transparent gold acrylic paint. I then added fibers and shells for some added texture. I gave her to a friend and she now sits proudly above her hot tub!
This is my first attempt at a collage. I am taking Linda Misa online class. It's been fun and I have learned a lot. I was not happy with the face so I painted over it. Try again later. I also need to stencil and stamp on it to give it more depth. My granddaughter likes mermaids so I think it might find a home in her bedroom!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I took Shery Goshon's Wallart class last month but I was out of town for two weeks. Not done with it yet. I need to find a few more paint colors. I also signed up for Lisa Misa's collage class last month. I am also behid on it because I was gone. Maybe I should check my calender before sign up for these classes! LOL! Here is what I have done so far.