Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Dolls

I will be in an art show next month, so, I am busy making dolls. They are made on a wire armature, wrapped with quilt batting, fabric and fibers. I then do some beading and maybe add a piece of vintage jewelry. I have never sold my dolls before, so this is a brand new experience for me. Hope it goes well!


  1. How can they not do well ~ They are amazing! What I wouldn't give to have your talent. I have one doll mostly done but am too afraid to do her face so she's still headless (and naked).

  2. Your dolls are delightful!!! I'd buy them. ;-)) Yvonne

  3. Paulette, that's soooo exciting!!! I can't wait to hear how it turns out. I wish you all the luck in the world. Don't be TOO nervous! :oD

  4. Love everything you've been doing! Best of luck with the sales - be sure to let us know how it goes.

  5. wow.... a beauty!

    good luck with your show and sales...

  6. Oooo Paulette, I was looking for doll makers & I feel like I hit the Jackpot when I pulled up your page! They are beautiful!

    I am coordinating the doll portion of the Alaska Fiber Festival - Fiber Art Show, & would love to invite, ask, beg, plead with you to enter a doll in our show!

    Below is the link to the page where I posted our last show. Most of the dolls sold at the show.
    Please drop me a note if you or any other doll makers you know are interested! Thanks!!

  7. Hi again - forgot to let you know I also live in Michigan - not quite so far north!! I am in Dryden - Lapeer County! You are welome to e-mail me at I would love to have a doll club in Michigan.
