Monday, December 28, 2009

Art Quilt Class

A few months ago I did a small art quilt with some hand dyed fabrics. It was on diplay at a quilt shop where I teach classes and work some times. I was asked to work it up for a class, so, I made it using some Kaffe Fasset prints. I drew her face and colored it with watercolor pencils. I then machine appliqued her hair, did some free motion embroidery and did some light beading. What do you think?


  1. I think it is great. Wish I could do the class but it's a bit far to travel.
    Hope you are having a great new year

  2. Wow, she's a Beauty! I love the unusual use of the Kaffe Fassett fabrics!

  3. I think it is Wonderful! You did a beautiful job!
