Thursday, September 30, 2010

Newest Doll

My dolls were accepted into a local art gallery. I only have a few left, but, I'm sure having them there will inspire me to do more!


  1. What a beautiful doll! I have a half-started wrapped doll and I haven't been at all sure how to 'wrap' her....but now I feel all inspired and full of ideas from looking at your work. You are very talented, thank you so much for sharing xx

  2. hey paulette!
    the weather looks pretty iffy here too. i was hoping to come anyway because i thought it would be okay cause it would be daylight. but after i read our forecast, i don't think it would be safe. so, i will get a private class? :-) i have a total of 4 doll heads completed...well just the faces. i am le3arning alot. i also got that book by patti culea. i will miss you guys tomarrow. you are going to have another one of these classes anyway, right. i thought kat said she wants to take this class. let me know when you reschdule. all the dolls shown are wonderful. you will just have to make more to replace the ones sold.
    take care xo susan

  3. I just love the long slender look of this doll..... I am striving toward that look myself... I love the look of longer legs... You are a wonderful artist....and an inspiration...

  4. Love the look of this gal .... so slim and feminine....
