Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gelli print background

I've been making backgrounds for my art journal with th Gelli plate.  So much fun!  I am going to be taking Carolyn Dube's class to learn new techniques using this amazing tool.  Check out her blog!


  1. hi Paulette, This is wonderful work and when I see this I want to have a gelli plate (haha) Your backgrounds and other work are really great. I will follow you. And yea indeed I know the work of Caolyn. Fantastic
    lovely greet Marja

  2. Hi, love youre work. I found youre blog on creative every day.
    Liefs, Melanie

  3. INCREDIBLY cool blog- love it :) Do u paint the faces rite on the gelli painted paper? what paints do u use?
    Im ur new follower :)

  4. Hi Jane, thanks for your interest in my blog. I collage my faces on the the paper. I take them from my sketch book and color them with a cobination of golden fluid acrylics, neo color crayons, graphite, and Faber Castell markers. it depends whether or not the face is black and white or colored. I color faces on fabric for art quilts and usually make copies of them so I can print them out later for other uses.

  5. Cute! I really like the colors
