Friday, March 8, 2013

Your time to Shine

This collage was a started a while ago.  I colored her face with panpastels.  She turned out a little pale so I cut her out and put her on a background that I made for something else.  I added more colore with the collaged elements and the circles.  I used watercolor crayons on her hair added some words and called her finished!


  1. I absolutely love this. Very pretty and i love the background.

  2. Your pieces are so fresh looking. I like the pale girl and your background is wonderful & rich in comparison.

  3. WOW This is so beautiful and lovely. Beautiful details too. Love it.
    lovely greet and nice Sunday

  4. Just found your blog via Tam's free journaling class. I love your work. This page really reaches out to me, b/c I've been using a lot of red/pink hair in my work recently, since my mom and I both have reddish hair.

  5. Thanks, ladies. I appreciate all your wonderful comments!

  6. Beautiful work, all the details are fun to meditate on.
    Cheri CED

  7. Really lovely. Love your work.

  8. Paulette, I am trying to visit the painting artists especially today. I love your lady and the collage with the butterflies. Very beautiful. I have real problems seeing the numbers in those dreadful are-you-a-robot things. I hope I can post this.

  9. I love it that you used what you liked in one piece to create something all new. Great idea!

  10. Thank you, ladies. I appreciate nyour comments!

  11. Oh this is so so lovely :)

  12. Beautiful collage and perfect combination!

    Stopping from Mandarin Orange Monday- hope you can stop by.

  13. I love your art - it's so special and beautiful. I have recently started playing with some collages and I must admit I love it :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity
