Sunday, April 14, 2013

Work in Process...Step 2

Well, I remembered pictures!  I really wasn't sure where I was going with this piece, so, I just started shading a little on the face...hoping she would talk to me! I used some watered down  teal paint to shade the face and add a little more color to the background.  It seems like  hair always presents problems for me.  I really struggle with it.  As I looked at all the different colors in the background, zentangles came to mind.  I penciled in a few and decided that was the way I would go. After I finished most of the zentangles, she reminded me of a warrior.

  I will name this piece for my daughter, Lisa, who last week, had her one year check-up following
a stem cell transplant.  She has been battling Hodgkins Lymphoma for three years...She is now cancer free!!  She is a true warrior!

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