Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Works in progress

I always seem to have so many works in progress...I counted seven and that's just projects in my journals. I'll try and post pictures as I work on them and explain my process a little.  I just get involved and forget to take photos!  But, I will do my best!  The backgrounds are painted, I thinks they were scraped on with a credit card. One of them was gessoed for the face before I drew it.  The other was not.



  1. Lots of projects is a good thing. Love the colours of these pages Paulette!

    Hope you have a creative weekend!

  2. Oh Paulette, just beautiful! i love what happened when you added the orange - it is a completely different drawing and composition. How cool is that! It is so radiant. Happy Balzering! Lovies, Samara

  3. Wow, beautiful! I especially love the first one. She's gorgeous.

  4. I go crazy if I don't have works in progress- I think I have 15 right now...maybe I should get busy on some of them...

  5. I love your comment I get so involved I forget to take photos, that's a wonderful thing as are your faces! xox

  6. I love that you are brave enough to show works in progress. Smart to document I think, and see where they end up. Can't wait to see the next steps.

  7. beautiful, I can imagine you forget to take them sometimes, I tend to forget that as well. Love to see where these will go.
